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Dilworth Charities
Dilworth Charities and Dilworth South End Rotary Club held our first annual
Party in the Park on April 29, 2023. As our club's nonprofit arm, Dilworth Charities has as its purpose the goal to raise funds for nonprofit and other community organizations like Levine Children's Hospital, which we support. We served hundreds of people that day with beer, burgers, a bouncy house, music, fun, and a sense of community.

A check for $2,500 from the funds raised was presented to Atrium Health for Levine Children's Hospital.

We are the nonprofit arm of the Charlotte Dilworth South End Rotary Club.

Dilworth Charities provides support to organizations and causes that support Rotary's seven areas of focus including: maternal and child health, disease prevention, clean water and sanitation, sustaining our environment, basic education and literacy, community and economic development, and building peace.

Enabling communities, large and small, local and global, urban and rural, the opportunities to provide access to all residents.

Consider joining our partner club, the Charlotte Dilworth South End Rotary Club, which meets on Fridays at 11:30 am Eastern time at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1000 E Morehead, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28204.
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