A Queen City Impact Project

Who We Are
The Queen's Cupboard is a project of the Queen City Impact Club, Charlotte, NC, We are a pantry that provides essential, non-food items to families in need. We focus on non-food items because they are oftentimes not covered by public assistance and are therefore sometimes cost-prohibitive for people who need them the most.
Our Mission
Provide access to toiletries and other non-food essentials to families in the Charlotte, North Carolina community who are unable to obtain access to them on their own.

Our Strategy
Develop partnerships with existing food pantries and provide them with additional resources to serve their clients.
Our Impact
Help people who are struggling financially - Families struggling financially typically spend most of their money on housing and food, with very little left for non-food essentials.
Help struggling families maintain proper hygiene - The non-food pantry would provide toiletries and other daily essentials to help families maintain health habits like brushing their teeth, washing their hair, taking daily baths, etc.